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The Premier Royal Ranger Event of the Year

Event Help Needed

As always Pow-wow requires a lot of work!

We need help to man the following events : Tubing (3), Water Slide (2), Waterfront Swimming (2), Go Carts (2), Happy Day Express (1), Zip Line (4). These are numbers we need at any one time to run the event.

These events will not run if this doesn’t happen.  We need these events run on Saturday from 10:00-3:00.  It requires a total of 14 people not counting the rock wall.
If you have men at your church willing to come out on Saturday and work these events please send your information to Aaron Stanley This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Also if you have men that would like to come out and work on saturday but camp the rest of the time they can come to Pow-Wow for FREE!!!! They must register with Aaron Stanley in order to do so.

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