Event F.A.Q

Below are the most frequent questions we receive, if you have a question you'd like to contribute please add it below.

Yes,  Family Camping is available in a separate area, register just like any other camper.
on Monday November 30
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Travel off site by minor camper(s) must be with authorized adult supervision.

on Monday November 30
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All vehicles must have a completed vehicle registration form taped to inside of windshield or Dash. No vehicle will be allowed onto property without this form. (form is picked up at check-in)
Vehicles are allowed in campsite up to 1 hour after they have arrived. Unloading only.
No vehicles left in campsite overnight.
on Monday November 30
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Boys and Men should bring appropriate clothing for the weather along with a class utility or outpost uniform
Women should wear modest apparel, and T-shirts and short must be worn with swim suits. No tank tops....please.
on Monday November 30
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Firearms, including black powder firearms, may not be sold, awarded, traded or conveyed as personal property by anyone under the age of 21 without written parent/legal guardian consent. Knives, including folding knives, may not be sold, awarded, traded or conveyed as personal property to anyone under 18 without written parent/legal guardian consent. Possessing or selling knives that open by spring action or centrifugal force (switch blades, butterfly knives, etc.) is expressly prohibited at any Royal Rangers activity.
Atv's, Go-peds, Dirt bikes, Bicycles and other forms of vehicles are not allowed at Pow-wow with exception to staff, or other special circumstance as allowed by  the District Staff.

Some years boys may be asked to bring bicycles for specific events. The only use of bicycles is during these designated times.
on Monday November 30
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Yes. Please abide by the following:
  1. Please refrain from large fires.
  2. Clear grass away from container (6 feet)
  3. Must have a fire extinguisher on site, not water only
  4. Containers must leave with you after Pow-wow.
  5. Containers must be 6" tall at minimum and have sand or dirt at the base.
on Monday November 30
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The camp is open for visitors on Saturday starting at 8:00am and closes at 11:00pm. We encourage visitors to attend the evening services.

No women may go over the bridge before 9:00 am and after 5:00pm.
If you are coming to visit other than Saturday you would need to register as a camper.
on Monday November 30
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Yes. All registered campers are required to attend the Friday and Saturday evening services and the Sunday morning rally.

During the services the Bridge is closed.  Campers will not be permitted across the bridge to campsites until they have been dismissed.

on Monday November 30
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There is a doctor at the lodge medical center.  In the case of an emergency please go to the closest divisional headquarters and the doctor will be radio dispatched. In the case of a non-life threatening situation proceed to the lodge medical center.
on Monday November 30
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Other costs at pow-wow will be for extra snacks and drinks, souvenirs and extra pow-wow memorabilia.
on Monday November 30
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Yes, we require all attendees to wear their lanyard at all times. This is to ensure that adults have proper permission to be on the property and that attendees have been properly registered.
on Monday November 30
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Yes,  There are no pets allowed at the property any time. 

If you have any other questions please contact us

on Monday November 30
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Yes.  Those registering after the early registration deadline pay an increased fee, please reference the registration application for the current fees.

We've been asked why we have a late fee if you are providing your own food.  Simply we make commitments on various equipment, supplies,etc that we still have time to adjust before the cutoff date. Afterwards it costs us (sometimes significantly) to alter these in time for the event to accomodate extra campers.


on Monday November 30
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Registration is open Friday from 8:00am-8:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm

on Monday November 30
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Click "Register" in the main menu

on Monday November 30
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The fee for Ranger Kids who camp the entire event is more than other campers as they have access to all of the events regular campers do, plus the specific events for Ranger Kids Day. Usually Ranger Kids Day has costs involved in crafts and other materials as well.

on Monday November 30
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Security personnel will be available before, during and after Pow-wow as needed.   Many of these personnel are full time sheriff and police officers.
Please respect their requests.
on Monday November 30
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Yes.  All visitors can attend the services but must check-in at the lodge before doing so.
on Monday November 30
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Your group coordinator should come up to the Lodge, bringing paperwork and medical forms. He will check-in, receive hats and ID tags and then proceed to the campsite.

Registration opens at 8am Friday and Saturday

on Monday November 30
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Registration via mail creates a lot of work for our staff (who are all volunteers).  If you don't have internet access to register, we suggest you contact your church pastor, secretary or a parent to assist in registration.

on Friday January 20
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